Four years ago my husband had surgery for brain tumour but after almost 3 years it relapsed even if my husband had radiotherapy. Two oncologists have confirmed that relapse occurred because the radiotherapy was not made consecutively (i.e. Saturdays and Sundays) but before that no one told us that this therapy could not succeed unless sessions were applied every day. The radiotherapy was performed at “Fundeni” Oncology Institute, where the only device fails quite often, no session are done in weekends, therefore it is not the welfare of the patient that prevails, but other material interests. Those sessions had no effect, on the contrary they only made him feel worse.
We were desperate for what was happening to us and we decided to look for other ways to resolve the situation and we turned to that “impalpable” side of things, the emotional one.
On the recommendation of a friend who, for some time, went to see Mrs. Zinaida Stoenescu at her office, and her aunt too, we also went for a first session of bioenergy.
Right after the first session (in early February) my husband felt he was on the right track, seeing how many people, each with their own problem, were turning to Mrs Zina, he has decided to constantly go to her office, which so happened.
Meanwhile, two MRIs, the only investigation that is done in this case, were performed, session with Mrs Zina continued and the medical report concluded that relapse is in remission.
This brought us great joy, which contributed to the improvement of our emotional state and optimism, an essential element together with faith that contributes to the healing of people.
Ana P. – Giurgiu
Son dort yil once, benim kocam beyin tumoru ameliyati gecirilmis, ama yaklasi 3 yil sonradan, RT yaptigina ragmen yeniden olmus. Iki onkolojik doktorun bu yeniden hastalanma radiyoterapi devamli yapilmadigin icin olduguna konfirme edilmis ( yani Cumartesi ve Pazar gunleri) ama bundan once hic kimse bize soylemedi basarili olmak icin her gun bunun yapmam gerekiyordu.
Radiyoterapi Fundeni Onkoloji enstitutusunda yapilmis , ve tek olan cihaz devamli arzalaniyor ve hafta sonunda seanslar yapilmiyor, yani hstanigin saligi ilk onde degil, digel ilgileri oluyor. Bu seanslar, hic bir yetkisi olmadigina, ayrica, daha kotuluk yapmislar.
Olanlarina ilgili umutsuz olduk ve bu durum cozmek icin baska yollari aramaya basladik, yani”dokunmadan”kenari tarafindan gittik, yani duygusal yonu.
Bir arkadasim tasfiyesi, ve bu ve halasi bir zamanda Zinaida Stenescu kabnesi gitmisler, bizde ilk defa biyoenerji bir seans icin ona gittik.
Ilk seanslarindan sonra(subat ayin baslangictan) benim kocam dogru yolda olduguna hisseti, ve kaci kisi, her kez kendi problem ile, Zina hanima bas vuru oluyor gordukten sonra devamli onun kabinesi gitmek karari aldi ve gitii.
Bu zaman icinde sagde iki RMP yapildi, ve bu durumda olan tek arastirmaya gore , Zina hanim devam eden seanslar ve doktr raporu na gore, haslatik remisyona girmis gorunuyor.
Bu durum bize cok mutluluk getirildi, ve esim duygusal durumu duzelti ve bir insane iyilesmesi icin bunun yaninda inanci yardim ediyor.
Ana P. – Giurgiu